Victor Pichardo was first elected in a special election in 2013 to the New York General Assembly to represent the Bronx. Bronx politics is a unique animal: Victor’s predecessor, Nelson Castro, had to resign due to to a bribery scandal, and Victor’s opponent, Hector Ramirez, in 2014 was arrested for voter fraud (and still lost!). Hear how Pichardo’s interest in politics got sparked by Senator Schumer’s concern for his family after the tragic murder of Victor’s cousin, some insight into Senator Schumer as a person and not a politician, and how Victor survived a 6-way primary in 2013 and has won 2 elections since, even with a cheating opponent.
2:15 – Is politics a contact sport in the Bronx?
3:10 – What is your background?
8:15 – How is Senator Schumer as a person?
10:15 – What’s a good story about him?
13:05 – Take me to your six-way primary.
17:55 – What was the darkest time of your campaign?
21:45 – What did you learn from all the drama?
25:20 – What is the average age of the NY General Assembly?
26:40 – What would you say to a young person thinking about getting involved in politics?
30:10 – What else can we do as a country to unify and heal?
33:00 – What is the best advice someone has given you?
35:00 – What book would you assign students?
37:00 – What would your message be to the country?