Paulette Jordan – The First Native-American Governor?

March 16, 2018


Paulette Jordan recently resigned from being the only Native American legislator in Idaho to focus on her run for Governor. If elected, she would be the first Governor elected as a Democrat in Idaho since 1990, the first female Governor in Idaho ever, and the first Native American Governor ever in the USA. Will the Blue Wave propel her over all those odds?

2:40 – Did you face any discrimination as an indigenous female growing up?

4:40 – Can you talk about your first campaign and what motivated you to run?

9:55 – Did you come a lot closer than you expected?

10:10 – What was the biggest lesson learned from 2012?

10:00 – Did you anticipate running again after 2012?

11:55 – Did you do anything differently in 2014?

12:40 – What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned representing your people?

14:00 – How do you get things done when you’re in the minority party?

16:00 – Do you think you have a reasonable shot at winning the Governor’s race?

18:10 – What would you say to someone who is concerned about running for office but doesn’t fit the conventional profile?

20:10 – How has the opioid epidemic affected Idaho?

23:00 – What is the best advice you’ve been given?

24:40 – What would you do as Governor to unify us as country?

27:00 – Has anyone tried to talk you out of running for Governor?


One comment

  1. Kevin says:

    I love her and hope she wins. But it’s important to recognize that John David Waihe’e was the first Native American Governor, thus hopefully making her the first Female Native American Governor in US history.

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